Topband: Lack of NA activity

Gary Smith Gary at
Sat Apr 4 16:29:53 EDT 2020

Hi Roger,

Yeah, there's a flock of storms. There was 
a strong storm, almost hurricane off the 
Connecticut coast the last few days. Lots 
of lightning over the water, 40 MPH winds 
here & enough storms it brought on land. 
I've had the rig disconnected the last few 
days. & there's that old rhyme, April 
showers bring May Flowers.

Over here, Mayflowers brought Pilgrims... 


> Well 160m conditions have sometimes been really good lately . . .
> In fact during the WPX SSB Contest, some NA stations on 160m were as
> strong as 20dB over 9 (like they used to  be years ago) . . but there
> weren't many on.
> And coming on the band on CW several times since then, conditions have
> often been good . . but usually very few NA stations on the band.
> (despite several Europeans as well as myself).
> Is it that you guys over there have a lot of Thunderstorms already?
> (It's still very quiet over here, and will be until July)
> Anyway, hopefully there will be a few stations on tonight.
> 73 Roger G3YRO
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