Topband: Spring DX

VE6WZ_Steve ve6wz at
Sun Apr 19 10:41:48 EDT 2020

Common darkness between VE6 and EU is getting shorter by the day, but as long as the geo-mag cooperates, the band remains open.
Last night I was able to work ON7PQ, ON8DM, G4UFK and G3XHZ from between 0400-0500z.  Lots of QSB, but signal strengths high on the QSB peaks.  Early last week I was able to squeeze out a QSO with John SM5EDX, but mostly the AU has been too hot to allow for any trans-polar prop.  I hope things continue to cool off.
Fortunately the WX here has been cold and snowy so there has almost no convective activity triggering T-storms, so the QRN has been almost zero.

The morning OC-AS path has been pretty reliable with good signals from JA, VK, ZL and VK6 most mornings.

I am going to try and remain QRV looking for the last gasps from EU and continue to look for OC through my summer.

73, de steve ve6wz

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