Topband: Inverted V vs inverted L

Bill Tippett btippett at
Thu Apr 23 05:16:34 EDT 2020

*The inverted L will out perform an inverted vee, hands down, 90% of
the time. The few exceptions will probably be near your local SR (and
other times) when horizontal polarization can work better. 73. . . Dave,

I agree with Dave's comment but in my experience it's more like 99% of the
time that my inv-V is better than my 4SQ-like vertical system:

Typically (99%) the vertical array is +10 dB better but on the very rare
occasions when high-angle propagation is present, the inverse is true.
Yes, +10 dB in favor of the inv-V!  It's not even close for those
occasions.  A clue for when to check for high-angle prop is when my
Beverages lose their directivity.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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