Topband: Rotator Potentiometer shunt fed twr

Jean-Paul Albert f6fya at
Sun Aug 23 16:46:17 EDT 2020

Hi Andy, 

I had the same problem. Twice. 
The only thing to do is to reduce power. For me, 1500 to 500. 
I tried many isolations or protections, no chance. 

So I changed to a vertical....

Best 73


F6FYA en direct depuis son iPad. 

> Le 23 août 2020 à 21:15, Andree DL8LAS via Topband <topband at> a écrit :
> Hey,
> how can I protect my rotator from HF in the shunt fed tower , so that the poti or other electric doesn't burn in the rotator?
> 73 Andy DL8LAS 
> _________________
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