Topband: FW: CQWW a bust this year

Artek Manuals Manuals at
Wed Dec 2 19:35:43 EST 2020


You got that right,you gotta walk a mile in the other guys shoes!!

When I lived in New Hampshire working EU on 160 was a walk in the park 
compared to the kind of propagation we get down here in FL
or what the guys out west have to EU ( I did a stint as N7EX for a while 
in Spokane) ...


On 12/2/2020 6:52 PM, Wes wrote:
> You left out location, location, location...:-)
> Wes� N7WS
> On 12/1/2020 4:21 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
>> Hi Nick,
>> I have a limited setup, only an inverted L over an FCP on 160 (not like
>> W3LPL's 160m 4 square cannon). With basically no time to operate, I 
>> managed
>> about 60 minutes in three spells on 160m, 45 QSO's, 17 zones, 30 
>> countries,
>> all S&P.
>> I worked EU and AF in zones: 14: 4, 15: 7, 16: 1,� 20:1, 33: 1, 35: 
>> 1.� Not
>> sure the 45/17/30 in one hour on 160 from a modest station allows room to
>> blame things on the band.
>> Good antenna for RX, and an EFFICIENT transmit antenna are always key to
>> making it. These will be even MORE important for 160 success as we 
>> make our
>> way into cycle 25.
>> 160 seemed slow this time, but I didn't hear nearly as many stations 
>> on the
>> band, weak *or* loud, as in the past. Think they were having too much fun
>> on the higher bands in conditions which are most likely the opening round
>> of solar cycle 25 propagation. Get ready to do DXCC on 6 meters this time
>> around.
>> 73, Guy K2AV
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