Topband: Stew Perry
w5zn at
w5zn at
Fri Dec 25 12:26:45 EST 2020
I want to amplify what Dave said and Dave, thanks for the post!
73 Joel W5ZN
On 2020-12-25 10:22, David Raymond wrote:
> Best wishes and Holiday greetings Topbanders. . .
> There will be many of us looking forward to operating the Stew Perry
> contest this weekend. It's a great contest, unique in it's own way,
> and a lot of fun. A few thoughts to share:
> If you're running a 6L6 tied to the gutter (i.e., QRP) please know
> that I and others DO want to work you and get you in the log! That
> may take some considerable patience on both our parts. Please, please
> don't be feel bad or be hesitant about sending your call multiple
> times. Dumping your call once or twice at 30 wpm just doesn't cut
> it. There are quite a few of us with multiple tools in the arsenal to
> receive your weak signal. Going through variations of multiple
> receive antennas and multiple directions trying to pull you through
> takes some time. If I have to resort to using the APF (with a few
> cycles, er Hz, bandwidth) that takes additional time and complicates
> things further. If a QSO can't be made please try later. . .
> conditions change. On a different matter, I'm sure it's frustrating
> to be a DX station relative to NA. I and others DO want to work you
> and will do our best. I try to stop, listen, and call specifically
> for DX on the hour and half hour. After working a DX station I often
> find another is waiting next in line to call me so I'll listen for
> additional DX stations giving them priority for a Q. . . NA can wait
> a bit.
> This is a really enjoyable contest. . . let's get on and have fun in
> the Stew! 73. . . Dave, W0FLS (in Iowa)
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