Topband: Very little NA Activity

Mark Lunday wd4elg at
Sun Feb 9 21:26:37 EST 2020

Nodir, EY8MM, worked several east coast NA stations at his sunrise on 10 Feb (K2UO in NJ, W8FJ in PA).  I was copying him ESP on my HiZ array, although I had him 559 on 80 meters just a few minutes earlier.

Later, WA7NS/Brian in Arizona also worked him.  That's pretty remarkable on that bearing right over North Pole.  I remember Nodir saying how difficult the path was to Western half of USA on 160.

Mark Lunday, WD4ELG
Greensboro, NC  FM06be
wd4elg at
SKCC #16439  FISTS #17972  QRP ARCI #16497

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