Topband: RG-179 Coax

Fred Moeves fmoeves at
Fri Feb 14 12:11:42 EST 2020


I bought some from this Link 

It seems ok to me.

No markings on it and the guy could use a lesson on how to coil wire.

I put 75 resistor and 50 ohm dummy load  on each choke and scanned it 
with the Rig Expert 230 zoom and it seems fine.

I scanned it from 100khz to 10mhz ... SWR was 1:00 to 1:35... and on a 
50 ohm dummy it was 1:12 to 1:35.

Not really sure if that tells anything but there it is.

I have nothing to measure L or C.

I did try shorting one end of the coax then scanned it with the 230 zoom 
read L and C and then calculate the impedance but didn't look right.

Bad math on my part I'm sure.

I also bought these connectors and the worked just fine...Link 

And Link 2 

I have made four on these chokes now all test the same.

I have one in service and waiting for the rain to stop to install the 
other ones.

I am replacing old chokes that work but take up to much room...I'm sure 
I will see no change when I do this.

The old chokes were made from old Commscope RG 59 with 4" 
but too big...

Also I can send you a piece if you want to see it or..... better yet how 
much do you need?

I think I used 5.5 feet for each choke.



On 2/13/2020 6:31 PM, W0MU Mike Fatchett wrote:
> I am looking for a good source for RG-179 coax to build some RX 
> antennas.  I tried an Ebay seller and got rg58!!####
> W0MU
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