Topband: Experiences with toploaded vertical with spiderbeam pole?

Ken Claerbout kenk4zw at
Mon Feb 17 07:59:58 EST 2020

Hi Henk - we are using an 18 meter Spiderpole at ET3AA.  It supports a
wire, using a Unadilla 80 meter trap (no longer in production), so
that it works on both 80 and 160 meters.  I found while using those
traps at XW4ZW, that they cannot handle more than 900 - 1000 watts.
That is not an issue in Ethiopia as they are power restricted.

I'd be happy to share some pictures, email me, but basically the wire
is wound around the pole in a somewhat helical pattern, with the trap
a meter or two down from the top of the pole.  The wire from the top
of the trap goes to the top of the pole then out like an L. You could
use the top-loading design shown on their webpage too.

As I said during my presentation at the Dayton Topband dinner last
year, it is the ugliest antenna I have ever built.  It was put up in a
hurry and swings/bends a lot as you say.  I took it down last month,
so we can re-guy it when I'm back this weekend.  That will keep it
straighter than it was.  The pole appears to be very strong.

The pole at ET3AA works way beyond my expectation.  I credit that to
the fact is is sitting on a metal roof covering the entire university.
It's a vertical antenna, so naturally  the counterpoise is a BIG
factor, especially with a shortened version such as this.  Good luck!

Ken K4ZW

On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 7:31 AM Henk Remijn PA5KT via Topband
<topband at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am looking for experiences with the toploaded vertical with a 18m
> Spiderbeam pole.
> As described on the Spiderbeam website:
> <<>>
> I have erected a 18m pole for use as 80m vertical. Looking if I can
> change that to 160m as well.
> I see a lot of swing of the top of the pole. Just wondering if the
> CQ-534 is strong enough to keep the antenna straight during heavy wind.
> 73 Henk PA5KT
> _________________
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