Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at
Thu Feb 27 10:55:38 EST 2020

I heard a ZL on CW last night but never got a callsign and then they 
were gone.  Moved to FT8 and was able to work ZL4AS with a -18.  He was 
hearing me much better.  Made some other CQ's and nothing.

KV0Q was on for the CQ 160 CW as was K0RF.  KV0Q is pretty close to me.  
I think he did a single 80 for the ARRL CW.


On 2/27/2020 6:58 AM, George Taft via Topband wrote:
>   While I assumed the band was open NA/EU, the interest seemed to be north/south, last evening, with VP8PJ and CP6/DK7PE active. Rudi had a nice (but small) pile going most of the evening. The VP8 operation seems to perk from 03Z until their SR.
> Confess I did not call CQ toward EU. With limited time, the concentration was with SA.
> 73 George W8UVZ
>       On Thursday, February 27, 2020, 08:30:21 AM EST, <lennart.michaelsson at> wrote:
>   I agree with you Roger!
> Len
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Topband < at>
> För Roger Kennedy
> Skickat: den 27 februari 2020 13:47
> Till: topband at
> Ämne: Topband: Wednesday 160m DX CW Activity Night
> Well I came on a couple of times last night, but gave up after an hour each
> time.
> The band was certainly open as my RBN reports were good.
> There were other Europeans on Calling CQ too . . . but very few NA stations
> on. I only worked a handful, and reports were good both ways.
> It saddens me the lack of CW activity on 160 !
> Roger G3YRO
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