Topband: T Top Verticals and yagis

Wes wes_n7ws at
Sat Feb 29 15:30:16 EST 2020

I don't have a dog in this hunt as I, for pragmatic reasons, use an inverted-L 
over ground surface radials, and accept its performance.  To make it a Tee, I 
would have to droop the loading wires and the cancellation defeats the advantage.

That said, here's all I need to know about FCPs:

Wes  N7WS

On 2/29/2020 12:47 PM, Mike Waters wrote:
> Ed,
> Shame on you for attacking Guy. He knows much more and has far more
> accurate info about this subject that you and I combined. Many of us have
> learned that when Guy posts information here, it is as technically accurate
> as it comes.
> *This has absolutely nothing to do with his folded counterpoise*. You are
> very much mistaken, sir.
> Respectfully,
> Mike W0BTU
> On Sat, Feb 29, 2020, 12:26 PM Ed Sawyer <sawyered at> wrote:
>> Guy.  Its interesting reading.  But it makes A LOT of assumptions tied to
>> your promotion of the folded counter poise.  ...
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