Topband: Fwd: RE: ON4UN SK --- NOT CORRECT

terry burge ki7m at
Sat Jan 4 16:49:52 EST 2020

Hello friends,

I must correct my previous posting about ON4UN being a SK. He is not. It was his friend and I heard it wrong. Please forgive my mistake. My hearing isn't what it used to be and I'm afraid I really messed up with this. I just had my hearing checked and if you have ever gone thru one of those test where they ask you to repeat the words you might understand how the old 'rumor' game can imitate real life. Like 20% understanding or less in crowds. Anyway, this is the correct info from the source. Once again I definitely got this wrong so please accept my apologies. I did ask and got permission to pass this on.

Terry, KI7M

> ---------- Original Message ----------
>     From: "Breakall, James Kenneth" <jkb1 at>
>     To: terry burge <ki7m at>
>     Cc: "Breakall, James Kenneth" <jkb1 at>
>     Date: January 4, 2020 at 11:55 AM
>     Subject: RE: ON4UN SK
>     Hello Terry,
>     Unfortunately, you heard wrong about what was said.  I was talking about my very close friend and also of John’s very close friend, Roger Vermet, ON6WU.  Roger was the person who did a lot of the work in John’s Low Band DXing book in modeling and measuring and also worked with John’s station.  Roger was a very dear friend and I really miss him.  I know John has been heartbroken about this too.
>     Roger and other good friends and I celebrated John’s 70th birthday a few years ago together in Dayton. 
>     I hope you might clear this up and report that you heard wrong and it was John’s close friend Roger, ON6WU, who is now a silent key.
>     This was not fake news but just misunderstood news with maybe the conditions on 75m.
>     I hope John did not hear about any of this since it will clearly make him think about Roger more.
>     Happy New Year and I hope you can clear this confusion up.
>     73  Jim  WA3FET
>     James K. Breakall
>     Professor, Electrical Engineering
>     225 Electrical Engineering East
>     Penn State University
>     University Park, PA 16802
>     Cell Phone: 814-883-6521
>     Email: jimb at mailto:jimb at
>     From: terry burge <ki7m at>
>     Sent: Saturday, January 4, 2020 2:47 PM
>     To: Breakall, James Kenneth <jkb1 at>; terry burge <ki7m at>
>     Subject: Fwd: ON4UN SK
>     hello Jim,
>     I was listening a couple of nights ago on 40 or 80 meters and heard you talking to I believe OP7M telling him ON4UN was a silent key. But John, ON4UN is not a silent key. And after passing on this information to the topband group I found out the hard way this was fake news. ON4UN is not dead. And I wish I had not passed on what I heard from your conversation.
>     Terry
>     KI7M
>         > > 
> >         ---------- Original Message ----------
> >         From: terry burge <ki7m at mailto:ki7m at >
> >         To: topband at mailto:topband at , terry burge <ki7m at mailto:ki7m at >
> >         Date: January 3, 2020 at 7:40 PM
> >         Subject: ON4UN SK
> > 
> >         I heard on 40 or 80 meters last night that John Devoldere had passed away. If so I'm very sorry to hear about that. I've worked him many times over the years, have at least two editions of his Low Band DX'ing books, and always considered his a friend. Last time I worked him was back on 07/07/2019 on 20 meters. Even sent him an email asking about something but did not hear back from him that time.
> > 
> >          
> > 
> >         RIP John, you'll be missed.
> > 
> >         Terry
> > 
> >         KI7M
> > 
> >          
> > 
> >     > 

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