Topband: New Modes, Systems, etc

K9FD merv.k9fd at
Sat Jan 11 12:27:57 EST 2020

Was there not another list started for FT8 on topband??

Why the heck is this stuff still here then??

> Roger,
> If you are so confident that digital is going to fail, why not sit 
> back and let it happen?  I have never figured out why people in the 
> hobby would actively seek to push people out of the hobby. What I find 
> most interesting is that those trying new things and experimenting 
> never seem to "attack" those that don't.  Why is that?
> Like all hobbies people come and go for their own reasons.  There is a 
> hell of a lot more to the hobby than working people on AM, CW or SSB 
> on HF, chasing DX, contesting etc.
> As for your 2nd to last paragraph, those are your opinions.  Those are 
> not facts.  There is skill involved.  There is a bunch of excitement 
> and achievement.  You just keep repeating the same old things to make 
> yourself feel better.   Congratulations to your old guard in England 
> for being able to run people off your repeaters. That is something to 
> be proud about?  Wow!    The ARRL RTTY roundup ran recently and FT/X 
> and other modes were allowed but those modes or types were never 
> really pushed. 
>  Why don't 
> you click the link and see how many people used digital? This list 
> only those that know about 3830.  Yes RTTY is the champion by far but 
> it would seem to me that a lot of people sure had fun digital.
> I understand you don't like.  FT8 users got that long ago.  I know 
> plenty of hams who will never get on CW but I never hear them 
> criticizing it or even thinking about jamming things they don't like.
> In the USA this is what Ham Radio is according to the FCC.
> §97.1 Basis and purpose. The rules and regulations in this part are 
> designed to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental 
> purpose as expressed in the following principles:
> (a) Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to 
> the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, 
> particularly withrespect to providing emergency communications.
> (b) Continuation and extension of the amateur's proven ability to 
> contribute to the advancement of the radio art.
> (c) Encouragement and improvementof the amateur service through rules 
> which provide for advancing skills in both the communication and 
> technical phases of the art.
> (d) Expansion of the existing reservoir within the amateur radio 
> service of trained operators, technicians, and electronics experts.
> (e) Continuation and extension of the amateur's unique ability to 
> enhance international goodwill.
> I think many have lost sight of this.  Encouragement is not telling 
> people that FT8 sucks, that you have no skill, it is not ham radio, 
> nobody will stay with it etc.  It is certainly not about jamming 
> people out off a repeater.
> Where is your goodwill?  Instead of constant criticism of the modes, 
> where is the reaching out to others to try CW or SSB or some other 
> parts of the hobby?    All I see is oh you run X  Get out of here.  I 
> find it extraordinary that somehow you can tell someone what will be 
> exciting to them or what is an achievement to themor what takes skills 
> and you don't even know them.  What is wrong with Ham Radio today?  This!
> Anyway we have our own group of nearly 100 people in less than a day.  
> We will continue on in a friendly fashion and will have fun and if 
> FT/X dies so be it.  I bet something else might come along to replace it.
> I get a big thrill out of working any DX on 160.  CW or FT8 or SSB.  
> It is hard from Colorado even with fairly decent setup.  I can work DX 
> on FT8 on days I never hear a thing on CW.  You have lived your life 
> next to a nice salt ocean very close the population center of the USA, 
> not to mention how close you are to so many other countries.  Topband 
> for you is very different than the Topband I have.  Working states is 
> similar to your working DX in Germany or Sweden and even Africa and 
> parts of the middle East.
> It saddens me that owner of this list has similar views to yours 
> Roger.  Tree was one of the guys I looked up to as a young contester.  
> He was one of the first to push the envelope with a Sweepstakes Robot 
> and really helped with log checking and so many other advancement in 
> Contesting and the hobby.  It is sad that some can't be accepting of 
> what others do.  It is sad that we had to create another list because 
> people could not be civil.
> 73,
> W0MU
>> It's easy to appreciate why many people - who are passionate about 
>> the hobby
>> - get upset about some of the things they see as being very negative 
>> to the
>> hobby.
>> Here in Britain there were LOTS of well-respected Amateurs who were 
>> actively
>> involved in Jamming the VHF Repeaters when they first came on the air 
>> in the
>> 1970s. I would never have done such a thing, but I appreciated why those
>> people were concerned about it having a negative effect on the hobby.
>> People could now not bother to put up a decent antenna for 2m, yet work
>> stations 50 miles away.
>> However, most new amateurs that did that very quickly got bored with the
>> hobby, as there was no sense of achievement, no reason to 
>> self-improve . . .
>> and disappeared off the air.  Those that got the satisfaction of working
>> stations further away through their own efforts were usually the ones 
>> that
>> sustained interest in the hobby.
>> (It's interesting that there is almost NO activity on the various 
>> Repeaters
>> here in Britain these days . . . which kind of confirms my point!)
>> I think it's the same logic that many of us apply to the computer-based
>> modes/protocols . . . that there is no skill involved, and so no real 
>> sense
>> of achievement, like there is when puling a really weak DX station 
>> out of
>> the noise . . . with the result that those people will very soon lose
>> interest in the hobby.
>> So those of you who are so keen on them, please at least understand our
>> motives . . . it's because of our passion for the hobby that we are 
>> against
>> these computer-based modes . . . in the same way as I personally am 
>> against
>> VHF Repeaters or accessing remote Transmitting or even Receiving sites.
>> Roger G3YRO
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