Topband: Topband resource

Roger Kennedy roger at
Tue Jan 14 17:48:51 EST 2020

"However, 160 needs vertical polarization for consistent long DX."

So how is it that I consistently work all over the world on 160m with my
horizontal dipole at 50ft?!  (and my signals seem to often be pretty
comparable with other Brits using verticals}

You certainly need a Vertical to work DX on 80m . . . but in my experience
160m propagation is very different . . . I'm guessing it's often quite high
angle due to multi-hop or ducting.

Also, I don't understand why on the Web page they are talking about NA
stations coming on Top Band at 1730 UTC to work Europe . . . I don't find
the band opens to NA until at least 2200 . . . and for me signals are always
much better after midnight.

Roger G3YRO

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