Topband: 200 Amp low pass filter for power mains?

WW3S ww3s at
Fri Jan 24 14:52:32 EST 2020

“ I suspect you still have something energized in your house”

Been there, done my case battery backup in the modem for the voip telephone, terrible square wave....

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 24, 2020, at 2:38 PM, Richard (Rick) Karlquist <richard at> wrote:
> On 1/24/2020 10:21 AM, Ron AE5E via Topband wrote:
>> I think a good share of noise on 160 for me is coming in on the power line.  The ground mounted transformer is about 1000' feet away and serves other homes as well as mine.  The lines are all buried.  Where it entered the house I would like to try to suppress noise.
>> I can turn off all lights, appliances, furnace, pumps, etc but the noise is still significant.  If I drop the main breaker it is gone.  So that is why it seems to me it is on the line when it enters the house.
>> So thinking a 200 amp low pass filer before the breaker box might the a solution.  Maybe it just needs to be bypassed with capacitors, I am only speculating so far.
>> So lets hear if from Topband guys who have figured this out!
>> Ron, AE5E
>> _________________
> I suspect you still have something energized in your
> house.  Try this:  turn the main breaker off and then
> hold a pocket AM radio next to the energized mains
> listening for noise and then  compare to the "de-energized"
> lines in your house.  I am thinking you will hear
> no noise in either case.  If your theory was correct,
> you would hear noise on the mains coming in and
> nothing on the house wiring.
> In any event, a 200A RFI filter is a non-starter.
> If the noise is somehow on the mains coming in, you
> need to move your antenna away from your house wiring.
> Possibly listen on a loop antenna that you can locate
> in a corner of your yard, and then orient it to null
> the remaining noise.
> Rick N6RK
> _________________
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