Topband: 9 circle RX array combiner board

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at
Mon Mar 2 22:20:21 EST 2020

You can order a board set from PI4CC I think...I am not sure what they 
used for the combiner circuit.  A set of board for the 9 antennas, the 
combiner and the switchbox was $65.00 us and they include one extra of 
each board.


On 3/2/2020 7:35 PM, Edward stallman wrote:
> Thanks Steve for another great video on the YCCC 9 circle . I would 
> like to have one of Steve's combiner boards and if I remember 
> correctly , the folks that make the boards have a 3 board minimum . If 
> someone thinking of placing a order please let me know , I only need 
> one .
> Thanks Ed N5DG
> On 3/1/2020 4:22 PM, VE6WZ_Steve wrote:
>> Just like some guys enjoy woodworking and making furniture that they 
>> may not really need, I like to build radio things just for the fun of 
>> the project even though I may not really “need” it.  For three years 
>> I have been using the original 9 circle RX array kit that I bought 
>> from DX-engineering, and it has performed well, but I wanted to build 
>> my own and add my own design tweaks.
>> Using KiCad, I have designed and built a 9 circle RX array combiner 
>> with a 2N5109 pre-amplifier integrated onto the same board.
>> The phase/combiner circuit and direction switching is the same as 
>> that designed by John W1FV which was developed with the YCCC and 
>> marketed by DX-engineering (no longer sold). The pre-amplifier is the 
>> 2N5109 circuit developed and refined by Larry W7IUV.
>> I made a YouTube video to show what I did.  I know some guys may not 
>> like watching videos, but I spent my professional career writing 
>> technical papers and I have no interest in doing that anymore (I am 
>> NOT an engineer, I am a geologist).  I can make a video pretty quick 
>> and cover most of the basics.
>> In the video I describe the board layout and explain the basics of 
>> how the combiner works. I talk about the basic construction methods I 
>> use, but this is NOT a step-by-step "how to build it" project. If you 
>> want to build one of these, please carefully read and understand the 
>> great documentation that was provided by the YCCC (link provided) so 
>> you can build the transformers and wire things correctly.  This video 
>> is only meant to share what I did and provide anyone interested with 
>> the PCB file if they want to build their own.
>> On the YouTube page I have a link to the KiCad PCB file if you want 
>> to order your own boards (I order my boards from OSH park) and a link 
>> to an EXCEL file for a parts list BOM.
>> YouTube video here: 
>> <>
>> 73, de steve ve6wz
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