Topband: YCCC 9 Vertical Array Preamplifiers
Henk Remijn PA5KT
pa5kt at
Wed Mar 4 03:13:49 EST 2020
I think it is more interesting for the Topband community that you
publish your design and let the people build their own.
73 Henk PA5KT
Op 4-3-2020 om 01:31 schreef Lee STRAHAN:
> There seems to be some confusion about.
> Let me explain the significance of Joel's comment about the high impedance amplifiers. I have developed new versions of the Hi-Z amplifiers I use in the Hi-Z array products. Joel W5ZN was given a set of these Hi-Z amps as a Beta test in the field for my new design. The whole purpose of one version (-6dB version) was to replace any of the really old amplifiers sold with the early arrays and to retrofit directly into the YCCC arrays. The new design has several advantages including Low Noise, more gain/phase accuracy, lower cost, and higher IMD specs compared to our older amps.
> 8 of these amps were also given to Eric NO3M for a beta test in his 630 meter 8 circle receiving array to replace the YCCC designed amps. I am happy to say they participated in his recent record 630 meter contact to VK4.
> There is also another version called the Plus V2 version that has 6 dB more gain and will replace the current version in most new arrays and production as time goes on.
> The amps have been submitted to DX Engineering and will show up in their offerings soon.
> Sorry for the shameless plug but some information was needed.
> Lee K7TJR OR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband < at> On Behalf Of w5zn at
> Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2020 9:52 PM
> To: topband <topband at>
> Subject: Re: Topband: YCCC 9 Vertical Array Preamplifiers
> Allow me to clarify my post. I was referring to the high impedance amplifiers at the vertical elements, not the 2N5109 preamp used sometimes post combiner.
> 73 Joel W5ZN
> On 2020-03-01 20:27, w5zn at wrote:
>> As an alternative to the 2N5109 preamps, last year I acquired a set of
>> HiZ preamps to use on my YCCC 9 Circle array elements. They work
>> exceptionally well and exhibit a lower noise figure that I experienced
>> with the original YCCC amps.
>> I mentioned this solely for information with no other purpose as I
>> realize some like to use a simpler amplifier design that they can
>> build and/or repair. If you have an interest other than what has been
>> mentioned you can contact Lee at HiZ.
>> 73 Joel W5ZN
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