Topband: RBN and cluster spots

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at
Sun Mar 8 21:18:28 EDT 2020

People can choose to turn on or off RBN spots and FT/x spots on CC 
clusters like VE7CC.  My node W0MU-1 is connected to VE7CC and others 
and allows the users to set spots how they like.  I also recommend CC 
USER VE7CC User interface that easily allows you to set many many 
filters and you can connect your contest software to CC User to take 
some of the strain of spots off the logging software.

I have no clue why people would turn off RBN.  I wish we had one for SSB!


On 3/8/2020 5:01 PM, Mike Smith VE9AA wrote:
> Steve,
> I wish I knew the answer to your question.  When I go assisted in contests,
> (which is probably only 20-30% of the time)
> I connect to VE7CC which carries RBN spots.  ( I prefer to tune for my DX,
> but that's another story)...I will go assisted if the sponsor does not
> differentiate between assisted and non-assisted..why would I want to tie
> 1-arm behind my back if there is no separate category?HI
> I don't know which clusters carry them in EU (or if EU's connect to VE7CC as
> well) but I *can* tell you that after only a couple CQ's in any big CW
> contest, I have the same hoard of EU big guns (mostly M/M's) call me, so
> that tells me it's (probably) an RBN spot.
> Then later, at other times things will be very dry for a long time and then
> I'll get a little mini "packet pileup" of normally weaker stns  when
> apparently some kind soul has spotted me on a traditional
> Telnet/Packetcluster there in EU..often it's a flurry of mostly DL's, or
> mostly PA's, or mostly EA's (you get the idea)
> Because I normally run UNassisted, after every contest I'll do a search on
> dxscape or oh8x cluster to see who the kind souls were that spotted me and
> whether it coincided with the mini packet pileups and it almost always is.
> Most times it's callsigns I don't readily recognize and they are not the big
> guns (who use the RBN_).  I am always grateful we have both, but scratch my
> head why someone would only want 4cylinders naturally aspirated, when they
> can have 8 or 12 turbocharged!
> Seems sooooo easy to me. Connect to a cluster which carries RBN spots.
> Easy-Peasy.
> For reasons that I am not privy to, I still don't think many in EU do.
> Weird !
> Mike VE9AA..'course the RBN didn't help me at all this weekend on SSB, hi !
> VE6WZ sez:
> ".It seems that quite a few ops out there either don't know about, have
> forgotten
> about, or somehow "don't believe" in the RBN network??  ."
> Mike, Coreen & Corey
> Keswick Ridge, NB
> _________________
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