Topband: Amazing conditions into the UK this morning.

Henk Remijn PA5KT pa5kt at
Sun Mar 29 04:59:22 EDT 2020

Worked 2 NA stations around my sunrise in WPX SSB.

Conditions sounded good, but not a lot of contest activity.

73 Henk PA5KT

Op 29-3-2020 om 09:13 schreef Don Kirk:
> Turned radio on this morning at 0514 UTC even though we were having very
> bad lightning storms all around and was blessed with some of the strongest
> signals I have ever heard on 160 meters out of the UK a little before their
> sunrise.  Copy was very easy right through the constant lightning crashes
> that were 30 to 40 db over my normal noise floor.
> Signals from same stations were very strong for at least 30 minutes so it
> was not a brief phenomenon.
> First worked G3OQT then ON7PQ then G3XHZ then G3OQT again.  And then long
> after I thought it was all done I easily worked Tom G3OLB at 0621 to 0624
> UTC which is 30 minutes past the QRZ reported sunrise of 0554 UTC for Tom
> and still hearing him call CQ at 0635 UTC.
> John G3XHZ was peaking an honest 35 to 40 db over my normal noise floor for
> a long period and Richard G3OQT was peaking 30 db over my normal noise
> floor the second time I worked him to tell him how strong he still was.
> Unbelievable conditions and kick myself for not getting on sooner as it
> sure was fun.
> Oh, the reverse beacon network in EU did not even pick up the 3 different
> CQ’s I called during these great conditions, so don’t rely on that system
> of being an indication of conditions (at least not into the UK from the
> Midwest US when running 100 watts).
> 73,
> Don wd8dsb
> _________________
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