Topband: FT8

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at
Thu May 14 18:29:28 EDT 2020

It is just another FT8 bashing post.  It is why we had to create another 
list.  I just set up a new filter so I won't be bothered by trolls.


On 5/13/2020 1:03 PM, Ross Johnson wrote:
> Roger your lack understanding surprises me , and others here.
> Like your station mine only hears what it hears. Ft8 users are not all 
> connected via the net.
> So its interesting to see on cluster wot other ZLs are hearing or 
> working.
> I seldom post but some have an ego issue I suspect.
> And there is no auto posting to clusters , however my station sends 
> info to PSK reporter .
> Ross   ZL3RJ
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