Topband: VK6LW - Kevin sigs 559-569 from 1111z-1145z this morning on 1821.4 (cw)

W3HKK at W3HKK at
Sun Oct 4 09:11:29 EDT 2020

Hello Joe. Forgive my typo. It was VK6LW. I heard you work Kevin! You
had good sigs up here. And congrats for working nearly half way around
the world with your 100w. Thats over 100 miles per watt! :)

Im running 900w to a 52 ft tall qtr wave Inv-L with 26 radials (
between 45 and 130 ft long. ( due to property line limitations to the
north) I shoot for 100 ft on new/replacement radials due to their
being on the ground and pvc jacketed. However, during mowing season,
all my radials are coiled up and hanging from the same walnut tree
that supports the INV-L. I found with midwestern soil, after I reached
26 radials, my swr stopped changing so I left things at that. 

Back when I retired, the xyl and I almost moved to SC. We had a condo
on the water in MB for about 15 yrs then sold it when the kids grew up
and moved away. We came to love SC, and I even took a two week drive
to various possible QTHs we could retire to. Looked at MB - Georgetown
- Charleston - Summerville - Hilton Head - Clemson - Simpsonville -
and would have enjoyed any of those locations. Our place had been hit
hard by Hugo so the xyl was reluctant to live on the ocean, and in the
final analysis our two kids were living near us ( at the time) and one
had just had our first grandchild - so we decided to stay put up here
in Ohio. Wonder what took you to SC? I was born and raised in Philly,
graduated from PennState, lived in Pgh, too, before the job took me to
Syracuse, Belgium, and Ohio. I retired in '99 in Ohio where we had
spent the previous 20 yrs, and another 20 years since retirement.


	-----------------------------------------From: "Joe Galicic" 
To: "topband at"
Sent: Sunday October 4 2020 8:34:39AM
Subject: Re: Topband: VK6LR Kevin sigs 559-569 from 1111z-1145z this
morning on 1821.4 (cw)

I worked VK6LW with 100 watts at 11:33 Z this morning. He was peaking
nicely here at SC sunrise. WOW, that was fun ! 

 I'm in the process of putting up antennas for 160 at my South
Carolina QTH. Inverted L with apex at 50 feet with 14 longish (75-100
feet) radials so far. No RX antennas yet. No amplifier at this QTH yet

 I heard other VK's over the past couple of mornings as well as JH1HDT
this morning, I was surprised how strong HL5IVL was yesterday morning.
I called several times but he did not hear me. VK2WF got a partial
call sign for me but we didn't make the QSO. He was very strong at my
sunrise each morning I heard him.

 Getting ready for the upcoming 160 contest season. 

 Fun stuff !!


 > On 10/04/2020 8:10 AM w3hkk at wrote:
 > worked Kevin on first call, simplex. He was in there pretty well
 > 1111-1145z, although qsb at times took him into the noise, here in
 > central Ohio.
 > Our Twilight-SR times today were 7:03 local- 7:30 local. or
 > 1103-1130z.
 > A second VK6 was spotted but I never heard him. 
 > But those SR tables really work! His strongest sigs peaked right at
 > and were about the same for 19 mins before and 15 mins after SR. 
 > Heard a very faint JA but not well enough to call. Think it was HDT
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