Topband: TopBand: Good Conditions, Little Activity

Robert Garrett rgarrett5 at
Fri Oct 9 11:14:21 EDT 2020


We have gone down this road many times.  Some of us use and like FT8, others
think it is the end of Ham radio.  No one is going to change their mind or

I had a 35 minute CW rag chew with John G3PQA earlier this week.  I've
worked more than 10 VK and ZL stations over the past week.   I've had
multiple contacts with ON7PQ, IV3PRK, LY7M, DL8LAS, SM5EDX and many other EU
stations in the last 3 to 4 weeks.  The CW band is far from dead.

How about we focus on TopBand propagation, how to improve antennas etc. and
stop this ongoing whining about lack of CW activity.  

GUD DX and cu on TB.  73, Bob K3UL    

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband < at> On
Behalf Of Roger Kennedy
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 10:55 AM
To: topband at
Subject: Topband: Good Conditions, Little Activity

The irony is that if more of the people that complain about activity only
being on FT8 these days actually came on the band on CW, there would be more
activity !

What amazes me most is that so many of you guys in the USA have invested in
fantastic setups for 160m . . . huge towers, full-sized radial fields,
amazing receive antennas (like proper beverages or phased vertical arrays) -
things that most of us here in Britain (like me) with our tiny gardens could
only dream of . . . and yet those stations rarely seem to make an appearance
on Top Band !

Roger G3YRO

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