Topband: Reminiscence of Stew Perry

Augie "Gus" Hansen augie.hansen at
Fri Apr 2 12:34:02 EDT 2021

> David J Ring Jr of the Radio-Officers Facebook page shares some stories of Stew Perry who was also a Radio officer as well as a friend.
> <>

About a decade ago I was visiting my home state of Rhode Island and 
found out about the New England Wireless and Steam Museum in East 
Greenwich. I visited there on the clean-up day after their "Yankee Steam 
Up" event and helped with that task. I was reward with a personal tour 
of the Wireless Museum and the PJ Station facility by Bob Merriam (then 
in his 80s, now SK).

The NEWSM campus is now a protected national treasure. Group tours can 
be scheduled. But you can take a virtual tour on their web site:

     Main page:

During my tour I took many pictures. A few show views of the W1BB 
portion of the exhibit. They are here in my dropbox:

Gus Hansen

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