Topband: Great Engineering by AA7JV

Jeff jrnet at
Mon Apr 5 15:02:52 EDT 2021

Great info on Radio In A Box.

How do you think DXCC will view this ?

Jeff Reynolds NE0DX

Jim Brown wrote:
> At the most recent Visalia in 2019 (and later at Dayton, I think), George 
> presented two feats of engineering excellence that blew me away. First, his 
> "Radio In A Box" has the potential to revolutionize DXpeditioning to islands, 
> drastically reducing their cost, the number of hams needed, man-hours spent on 
> the island, and the resulting impact on the island's natural state. All of 
> this has the potential to make it far easier to obtain permissions from 
> authorities.
> Second, his observations that during DXpeditions, topband openings tend to 
> occur on one night out of a couple of weeks, and that since CW and FT8 are the 
> dominant modes for weak signal work, both need to active whenever there is the 
> likelihood of propagation (that is, between the daylight sides of the 
> terminator), led him to devise a system to achieve that.
> Both of these achievements are described on the qrz page for C6AGU. If you've 
> missed them up to now, by all means check it out!
> 73, Jim K9YC
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