Topband: Great condx on 160M Dec 24, 21 - 0500Z-0600Z+

Carl Braun Carl.Braun at
Fri Dec 24 09:22:21 EST 2021

Hello Dan and Topbanders

Great condx here in WI last night. Lots of activity from EU. ON4CT and OM2XW were particularly strong.  S7 signals typical.

I’m running two base loaded 70’ verticals in phase 1/8 spacing for general Omni TX/RX and 130w on this end.

MX and HNY

Carl W9LF

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From: Topband < at> on behalf of W7Rf <w7rf at>
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2021 12:30:05 AM
To: Topband <topband at>
Subject: Topband: Great condx on 160M Dec 24, 21 - 0500Z-0600Z+

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 Very nice condx now, worked over a dozen EU from Colorado, strong signals and low noise. Some over S9.

Modest 160M station here, 165 foot inverted L and 1100 foot loop up 65 feet.

500 watts tonight.

73 to all

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dan W7RF

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