Topband: ARRL CW Contest

Tim Shoppa tshoppa at
Mon Feb 22 08:56:16 EST 2021

Yes! Signals from EU were huge on 160 for many hours both nights. I had to
peer at my radio dial a few times just to be sure I wasn't accidentally on
80 or something. 80 was great too.

How far west in US/Canada did you work, Roger?

Tim N3QE

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 6:49 AM Roger Kennedy <roger at>

> Well conditions to NA from EU were pretty good over the weekend.
> I came on 160m for a couple of hours on Friday Night, and again on Saturday
> night . . .
> Managed to work a total of 132 NA stations, which I was really pleased
> with.
> That included lots of people that I had never worked before . . . but what
> saddens me, is why these people don't come on Top Band when there ISN'T a
> Contest !
> Roger G3YRO
> _________________
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