Topband: Dual loaded loop receiving antenna Historical Evolution

Rick Kunath k9ao at
Fri Feb 26 11:35:14 EST 2021


Thanks for posting this.

That first link doesn't work, it comes up article not found. The W7IUV 
link is down also.

The Dallas Lankford files have been removed (by request) and that Yahoo 
link is not valid any longer, but there are complete sets of his papers 
floating around on the Internet still.

Just wanted to mention that.

Rick Kunath, K9AO

On 2/26/2021 11:27 AM, Jose_Carlos wrote:
> Hi guys
> This is a collection of paper I was able to put together, please it is a working in progress and new entries are welcome. My  eye is not doing well and it is hard for me to type, so this is a copy and paste.
> 1919
> March 5, 1919, Roy A. Weagant, Chief Engineer of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of America, delivered a paper describing in detail his apparatus for the elimination of the great bug-bear of transoceanic wireless communication --static interference. >>
> 1938
> Harold Beverage invented wide band receiver antenna, loaded loop. The present invention relates to short wave antennas and, more particularly, to antennas for receiving horizontally polarized waves over a wide band of frequencies. An object of the present invention is to enable the reception of horizontally polarized signals over a wide band of frequencies such-as is at present used in television.
> 1940.
> Nearly all the newly re-invented compact receive antennas derive from the terminated loop, the earliest reference was in an appallingly mimeographed prewar training manual of W3EEE Dad‘s
> 1973
> COMMUNICATIONS 74 CONFERENCE BRIGHTON Wednesday, June 5 1974 —Session 5 Equipment Design Paper 5.3: Loop Antennas for HF Reception Contributed by: B.S. Collins, C & S Antennas Ltd.,
>   1995
> JF1DMQ wrote an earlier article about the Flag antenna in November 1995 in a Japanese magazine. His was only 3.3 feet by 16.4 feet long (1 by 5 m). K6SE's 160m optimized versions are 14 by 29 feet (4.3 by 8.8m).
> 1995
> "Is This EWE for You?" (QST February, 1995, p.31) and "More EWES for You",
> QST January, 1996, p. 32) both by WA2WVL.
> 1996
> The Pennant was originated by EA3VYand optimized for 160 meters by K6SE, who first wrote about them on the Top Band Reflector in 1998
> 1997
> The K9AYTerminated Loop—A Compact, Directional Receiving Antenna By Gary Breed, K9AY
> 1998
> W7IUV rotatable Flag and preamplifier >>
> 2000
> QST Magazine, July 2000, page 34 for K6SE's classic article:
> "Flags, Pennants, and Other Ground-Independent Low-Band Receiving Antennas" ...
> 2003
> NX4D developed the first dual flag vertical array
> 2006
> N4IS  developed the BIG flag vertical array
> 2008
> N4IS developed the Horizontal flag array
> 2009
> Dr Dallas Lankford, wrote the Flag Theory and design the Quad Flag Array >> Dallas  Files The Dallas Files are now found here:
> 2009
> AA7JV George Wallner developed the DHDL (TX3A) >>
> 2009
> DOUBLING the Double Half-Delta Loop Receiving Antenna
> by Pierluigi“Luis” MansuttiIV3PRK >>
> Please add new papers
> 73’s
> JC
> N4IS
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