Topband: CQ ssb contest

Tree tree at
Sat Feb 27 14:01:14 EST 2021

My general comments about the contest.

Back about 15 years ago - it seemed like there was plenty of activity above
1900.  AA1K spent most of the contest in 1999 kHz.  Maybe it was conditions
- but it seemed to be a lot less going on this year above 1.9 MHz.  I had
what I thought was a pretty good frequency, but struggled to get any kind
of rate and turned off the radio after 21 QSOs.   Seemed like the other
west coast stations were down the band fighting it out with the East Coast

I'll be back on later tonight and try again.  I re-tuned my antenna for the
"156 meter band".

Tree N6TR

On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 10:33 AM Ron Spencer via Topband <
topband at> wrote:

> Couple thoughts.
> I agree with Tree. General questions or observations during a contest
> would seem, to me, to be OK. Specific regarding call signs, not so much.
> I got on a bit last night. Pretty crowded here. Did hear some DX and
> later, around EU sunrise, did work some DX but not much. I don't think the
> band was in great shape as working west coast was also difficult and
> scarce. Perhaps tonight will be better? Hope so.
> Ron
> N4XD
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