Topband: Vertical choke needed?
Artek Manuals
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Fri Jan 1 05:19:36 EST 2021
Jim/ K9YC
I am with you 100% on your comments below
my 80/ 160 verticals all run "10 lbs of ferrite" at the feed points but
that is because I run elevated non resonant radials these days. 5lbs of
ferrites just got to warm to touch, but that is fodder for a whole
different thread.� My "jungle" makes running ground mounted radial
systems unpractical.
Among other things� with my wire T's and L's I also avoid coax runs that
are multiples of odd 1/4 waves at the frequency of interest which helps
( how much ?)� didn't measure it a the time, but the Winkeyer stopped
locking up ......:)
On 1/1/2021 4:19 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> On 12/31/2020 5:01 PM, Michael Walker wrote:
>> Hi Ken
>> Chokes at both ends of the feed line are always a good idea.
> At the base of the antenna, yes, so that the feedline doesn't become a
> radial. More are probably wasted money. See my latest Cookbook at
>> I have a similar setup to you but with elevated radials and I have
>> Mix 31 chokes right at the base of the antenna with an UNUN since I
>> am using 75 ohm coax and then more chokes at the antenna switch.
>> You can�t use enough chokes.
> The only good reasons I've discovered for using chokes on feedlines
> anywhere but at the feedpoint are 1) to break up the feedline into
> lengths that won't be parasitic becoming parasitic elements to other
> verticals; and 2) to prevent noise pickup by a mechanism quantified as
> the Transfer Impedance of the cable, whereby shield current is
> converted to a differential voltage inside the cable.
> W3LPL has observed that #2 should not be an issue with coax laying on
> the ground. I am not so optimistic with the CATV RG6 we often use for
> RX antennas, whose shields are VERY flimsy at MF, but I always value
> Frank's observations.
> As to chokes at the station -- if they solve problems, they're putting
> a band-aid on badly done (or missing) grounding and bonding. See
> N0AX's ARRL book on the topic, and/or the slide deck for my talks
> about it.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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