Topband: Antenna thoughts

Tue Mar 2 09:28:47 EST 2021

For DX, the T will be better than the L, especially if part of the L is 
sloping. (Higher radiation resistance.) Also, if the two loading wires are 
the same length, the antenna will be good on 3.5 and 7 MHz. Regarding the 
radials, it all depends on how many and how long you have now, but the T 
will be better for DX, in any case.

73 and GL,

On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 02:20:12 -0600
  John <w5jmw at> wrote:
> Hello all.I currently have a coaxial inv. L.apex at 50ft and rest going out at abt 45 degrees.The end is abt 20-30 ft high.It has been a very good antenna.I used a l because I did not have the option of 2 masts.I am changing a bit.Doing away from vhf/uhf beams.So I have another 50 ft mast.They are abt 200ft apart.My question is…Would a tee type vertical be better that an L.Yes I could elevate 2 or 3 radials.I am using  a radial ground on the inv.L.Thoughts on this please.I am not really concerned about matching.Just effenciency.Is a tee better? Thanks,john
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