Topband: CQ Zones

Preston Smith n6ss at
Tue Mar 9 13:56:40 EST 2021

Note: Below I refer to the various modes developed by K1JT
and his team as JT modes.

Yes the JT modes should have their own categories for awards
and NOT be mixed with traditional modes. Reason being that
all the JT modes (FT4/8, JT65, JT9, FST4 and others) are
unlike traditional modes. In traditional modes (CW, SSB, RTTY,
Pactor, Amtor etc) the operator or machine must actually copy
the call sign of the station being worked.  In the JT modes
with weak signals the program copies a portion of the call
and completes the call by comparing the partial call to a
call sign data base.

In JTDX that call sign data base file ALLCALL7 presently
contains more than 93,000 calls and is periodically increasing.
WSJTx has a similar call sign data base.

A curious op could copy the data base file, rename it, and
delete all but a few calls in the original. Then see how
well the JT modes copy weak signals. My hunch is they wouldn't
copy much better than a good CW op but that is TBD.

The transition from AM to SSB was quite different in that
the two modes were identical in what they achieved, two way
chatter back and forth between operators. It was clear that
SSB would prevail. That useless carrier had to go.

All that being stated this op has worked JT65, FT8 and now
FST4 almost exclusively outside of contests for ~2 years.
That's where the action is for better or worse.

73 back to 28074
Pres, N6SS

> Message: 6
> Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 15:50:45 +0100
> From: Hans Hjelmstr?m <sm6cvx at>
> To: martin at
> Cc: topband at
> Subject: Re: Topband: CQ Zones
> Message-ID: <19D75E97-A827-4A82-B680-BD2DB9C4BE97 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> AGREE 100 %  with you Martin /OK1RR.
> This FT 8 PC to PC playgame is just killing our hobby,at least as I see it.
> Take care and enjoy,and I am SURE ARRL will never listen to your
> feelings.
> Hans SM6CVX

> > 9 mar 2021 kl. 15:36 skrev Martin Kratoska <martin at>:
> >
> > Oh, FT8 should be proclaimed as illegal for DXCC (WAZ, WAS etc.) in mixed categories.
> > This "mode" should be counted completely separated from traditional modes like CW or SSB.
> >
> > 73,
> > Martin, OK1RR
> >

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