Topband: Portable Flag follow up (DX Engineering preamp noise figure update)

Don Kirk wd8dsb at
Tue Mar 9 18:19:25 EST 2021

A couple of weeks ago there were a lot of postings about my portable flag
for radio direction finding (for tracking down RFI), and someone asked
about the DX Engineering preamp that was designed for use with my portable
flag and specifically what the noise figure was for this preamp.  Tim
(K3LR) said DX Engineering would measure it, and today he reported it
measured 4.5 dB.

Tim mentioned that there were trade offs in the design such as low current
draw and high gain, so the 4.5 dB noise figure is certainly unreasonable.
It really is the only preamp I now use with my portable flag, and very
pleased with how it works.

Just FYI,
Don (wd8dsb)

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