Topband: NQ9E - QRM

List Mail mail10 at
Tue Mar 23 20:45:48 EDT 2021

Not to mention a fire hazard. 
Our power comes in on a Single Wire, Earth Return system. I hear a bit of power line noise on my antennas closer to the pole transformer, but as I receive on my Beverage system, hundreds of metres away, it isn’t a problem for me.
Since the Black Saturday Bushfires of 2009, where an ignition of a major fire system was traced to a faulty power pole, the distribution companies have been very diligent with their maintenance of the system (they weren’t since privatization of the grid). The sensitivity of the breakers has been increased, and they don’t reclose automatically now.
The main problem with man made noise now is non-EMI compliant electronic equipment. I feel the horse has bolted there.
And, conditions on 160 m are very poor here, both to NA and EU.
73, Luke VK3HJ

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: W3HKK at
Sent: Wednesday, 24 March 2021 3:38 AM
To: 'topband at'
Subject: Topband: NQ9E - QRM

sosunds like you may have power line noise which wont go away, but may
vary with weather.

I had similar problems which I tracked down with an AM radio, and
driving along the roads around my house til I located the likely
culprit, a continuously arcing lightning arrestor on a pole about 0.7
miles away. 

I called the utility and met their crew at the site. Turns out the
problem wasnt at the pole I thought it was, but one pole over. The
utility crew heard the arcing and changed the arrestor. No more

Arrestors can only take so manch discharges. In my case, it didnt
clear, and remained steadily arcing 7/24. That costs the utility $$$
in wasted power, so they were happy for me to help them find it.

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