Topband: Very Little CW Activity

List Mail mail10 at
Fri Mar 26 18:39:38 EDT 2021

This morning (around 2030z) at my sunrise, I worked two DL and a G on CW. I had +7 dB at an OE9 rbn. There was some propagation. There were few stations on.
I then went and wasted electricity calling A25RU on 80 m CW.
Please get on CW so I can work a few more Eu before the path closes until the end of the year, and make my getting out of bed early more worthwhile.
73, Luke VK3HJ

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Roger Kennedy
Sent: Saturday, 27 March 2021 9:05 AM
To: topband at
Subject: Topband: Very Little CW Activity

Quite a lot of us Europeans come on the band each night calling CQ DX . . .
but getting very few replies.

According to RBN reports, DX Propagation across the pond seems reasonable .
. .

So is it just that there are very few American stations coming on 160 these

Roger G3YRO

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