Topband: Vertical Dipoles on 160 Meters

Jim Brown jim at
Fri May 7 15:14:05 EDT 2021

On 5/7/2021 10:31 AM, John Crovelli wrote:
> For those who have limited space and are unable to lay out an effective ground system, the vertical dipole offers a very worthwhile alternative to an Inverted-L or low Inverted-V.

Yes, and so is the end-loading technique shown in the K2KQ design. N6BT 
has used it extensively in his designs, and W6GJB and I have used it for 
portable designs for county expeditions and Field Day. The Hy-Gain 
AV-series and Cushcraft R-series antennas are loaded and trapped 
vertical dipoles.

VK4YB's 630m end-fed, end-loaded designs for 630m are an even more 
innovative design -- I helped W6GJB tailor one of those designs to his 
real estate, and Glen has worked Roger on that band. See VK4YB's qrz page.

The key to these designs is realizing that it's current that does the 
radiating, and maximizing the current in vertical section of the 
antenna. I do this in NEC by studying the display of current in the View 
Antenna window.

73, Jim K9YC

> It is relatively easy to build, install, and tune.  The K2KQ article has been followed by hundreds with success.

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