Topband: S9OK 160m EU

Carl Braun Carl.Braun at
Wed Oct 6 10:21:44 EDT 2021

S9OK was light with me last night here in northern WI but I could copy.  Listened to the pile up...up...up....with lots of east coasters calling from NA but hearing VERY few stations west of me.

I was listening on an 80m vertical so less than ideal RX antenna.


Carl W9LF

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband < at> On Behalf Of Bill Weaver
Sent: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 8:33 AM
Cc: topband reflector <topband at>
Subject: Re: Topband: S9OK 160m EU

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You were a fairly solid 529 into Central KY on my GAP vertical (Poor RX antenna). I gave you a few calls with no luck (apparently a bad TX antenna also :)). S9OK was just under the noise level. Work begins this weekend on a HI-Z 4-square :).

Bill WE5P

Comfortably Numb

> On Oct 6, 2021, at 00:03, Andree DL8LAS via Topband <topband at> wrote:
> Hey topbanders, nice signal from S9OK this morning in DL. Worked also first west coast this season. N7UA was real 559 today. Here is a short clip from S9OK.
> 73 Andy DL8LAS
> _________________
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