Topband: Amp tripping SWR ** progress**

SRB Domeneshop srb at
Fri Oct 29 21:21:20 EDT 2021


SPE using a smal coax RG58 as capacitor in the RF detection / SWR system

I seen this melted!!! This made SWR trip & go bananas…. 

Open the amp and check it 

Just my two cent….. 

Best Regards,
Stein-Roar Brobakken
srb at
Skype: lb3re.rag

> 30. okt. 2021 kl. 02:42 skrev Adrian <vk4tux at>:
> Sounds like you are still unsure, and that is a guess. You said the swr is 1.4:1 , I guess this what the SPE shows with SPE in standby, and txcr keyed ?
> If so when switched to operate, you should be able to gradually increase drive power form a very low level and raise until you see the output power
> level where SPE indicated swr suddenly increases and trips the amp? Or is the alarm instant regardless low low drive is in low power profile.
> Test in FT8 in ssb is one good way to go from 0 output & up using audio level adjustment modulating the drive.
> The SPE can be controlled from a few watts output smoothly through to the point where issues occur.
> If the swr holds good until a output power level point where it fails, then it provides more clues to the problem.
> An instant swr trip to standby regardless of drive level however low or 0, is another issue.
> vk4tux
>> On 30/10/21 09:54, WW3S wrote:
>> With the help of #1 son, during a lull in the monsoons, we isolated it to my KK1L 2x6 box, mounted on the outside of the house. Sounds like maybe some relays clicking and clacking, probably rfi coming thru the control cables, despite clamp on toroids everywhere and the cables wrapped numerous times thru double ferrite cores. I do have a couple of unused ports, I wonder if it will help if I terminate those with dummy loads?
>> Sent from my iPad
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