Topband: Inv L corner insulator

Jim Brown jim at
Sun Sep 26 04:13:20 EDT 2021

On 9/26/2021 12:05 AM, Jim Monahan wrote:
> On my property, I have an endless number of trees so
> I try to use the largest trees which will sway less to
> minimize stress on the installation.

This correctly considers the options available to each of us afforded by 
the details of our own real estate, whether a sprawling forest or 
meadow, or a suburban or urban lot. I had an urban lot, now I have a 
sprawling forest, and I've assisted several local hams in assessing 
their options and fitting practical antennas into them.

THAT'S what good engineering is all about! It's not about esoteric 
details of theoretical concepts, but rather applying fundamentals to our 
own individual problems and resources. What skyhooks are available, and 
how might we use them? Where might I locate RX antennas, and which types 
of RX antennas work well in those surroundings? (See W3LPL's excellent 
talks on this).

73, Jim K9YC

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