Topband: 160 M portabel antenna

Rick at Rick at
Wed Sep 29 06:41:34 EDT 2021

Hi Joe,


I have plans for making a 160m Inv.-L, using the Spiderbeam 12m pole on my
web site, here: 


160m Vertical

If you use 4 Top-Hat wires, you can shorten the diagonal wires quite a bit,
but I can't say by how much.

I would suggest making all 4 wires equal in length, equally spaced, and then
measure where it is resonant.

You can probably begin by making the wires 30m long, but cut them 35m long,
and fold back 5m of each onto itself.


Adding 80m

Once you have that working, you can parallel an 80m Inv.-L

Take a look at how I do this for a 160m/80m on the 18 meter fg pole: 

This will give you an idea on how to do it on the 12m pole.

Just make the vertical segment shorter and the diagonal leg longer.


We have never tried this using the new 10m Mini-Pole.

It is probably too short, though 80/40 should be no problem with it.


73 - Rick, DJ0IP

(Nr. Frankfurt, Germany)

May the Sunspots be with Us!


-----Original Message-----
From: Topband < at> On Behalf Of
OZ0J Joe
Sent: 28 September 2021 20:58
To: topband at
Subject: Topband: 160 M portabel antenna





I do hope that the world will be reopened also for DX-peditions. I still
hope to visit OC again since I was QRV from KH0 and T8 (2014) and KH8 (2019)

- and not working 160 meter cause to the time of the year.



I visit regular my radio neighbour OZ1LO. Most of the DXCCs that Leif are
missing, are from OC. I guess he is not the only one in all 3 Regions. 



Based on the above I am looking for a 160 M - or combined 160 / 80 M
antenna, with these demands:



Travel length either max 75 cm (approx. 30 inch.) - fits in a large suitcase


or travel length max 130 cm (approx. 51 inch.) - fits in a ski box.



Spiderbeam makes fiberglass poles in many sizes and present I am waiting for
delivery of the new 10 meter fiberglass pole. That pole fits to a large
suitcase during travel.



The weight must be a low a possible and the antenna should be installed by
one or two persons.



Any suggestions to a 160 meter antenna here or direct to me off the list are




73 Joe, OZ0J 





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