Topband: Beverage upgrade question

Jim Brown jim at
Wed Aug 24 17:38:55 EDT 2022

On 8/24/2022 2:00 PM, Artek Manuals wrote:
> signals are arriving at higher angles than signals arriving at lower 
> angles via more common F-layer propagation

The patterns of all antennas are three-dimensional, and it's well known 
that various forms of propagation causes wavefronts to arrive at 
horizontal and vertical angles that vary with time. ON4UN's book has a 
lot of great stuff about this. N6RO, an old hand on 160M and proprietor 
of a contesting superstation, patches many of his dozens of antennas to 
the operating position for 160M contests to supplement his Beverages for 
use as RX antennas.

73, Jim K9YC

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