Topband: Beverage upgrade question

lennart.michaelsson at lennart.michaelsson at
Fri Aug 26 19:25:10 EDT 2022

Hi Bill et al,
A comment: My first NCC-1 went "down the drain" but got the updated NCC-2 a
few yrs back. It is even better with sharper and stable nulls and pro PC
boards which the NCC-1 did not have.
Will take a short listen now.
Hope you are all ok

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Topband < at>
För Bill Tippett
Skickat: den 26 augusti 2022 18:53
Till: topband <topband at>
Ämne: Re: Topband: Beverage upgrade question

W3LPL wrote:

"You're biggest bang for the buck with two Beverages in Echelon will occur
if you also install a variable phase controller such as a DX Engineering

I strongly agree with Frank, not necessarily because of RDF, which measures
against noise from all directions, but because of better F/R against the
usually noisy Gulf area.  In my case the NCC-1 is invaluable because you can
tune it for very high rejection of signals from the Gulf.  Unfortunately
lightning took out my NCC-1 and I haven't yet sent it to DXE for repair (no
schematics from DXE, Tim).

73,  Bill  W4ZV
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