Topband: ARRL 160

Mike VE9AA ve9aa at
Wed Dec 7 10:13:20 EST 2022

Lee et al,

Which just goes to further prove my point.  The RBN (& skimmers) are 
truly wonderful tech, but they are not perfect even if your CW is (or 
nearly so).

   Please do not be surprised by the occasional bust or dupe if you are 
doing something "weird" with your callsign by adding 1/2 spaces, slowing 
letters down and whatnot.

Human brains may (or maynot) be able to deal with that somewhat better 
(up for debate - I personally dislike it done to most callsigns), but 
computers don't 'know' what the intent is with that type of sending.


I get spotted as KX4M and KK4TT all the time. It does not matter if I 
send by
hand or through N1MM / Winkeyer.

73 de Lee KX4TT

On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 08:48:47 AM EST, <kq2m at> wrote:

Hi Ron,

The wrong call sign spotting and "run of dupes" happens a few times a
year to me.
Bob, KQ2M</pre>

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