Topband: Cndx in the ARRL 160 Test.
aa7jv at
Mon Dec 12 13:37:34 EST 2022
Before the contest we were on 160 a number of nights. Only a few nights were
we able to work more than a handful of EU stations and they were all much
weaker than normal. Regular S7 stations, like DL8LAS and OK1CF were barely
audible. Two years ago, from the same spot and a very similar antenna, we
were able to work EU-s 45 minutes before SS, in almost full daylight. This
time, EU came in weakly around 2100 local and than again between midnight
and 1 AM. Interestingly, noise levels were below normal. (But not during
the ARRL 160, when noise was high due to a front passing through.)
GL with 3Y0J!
On Sun, 11 Dec 2022 00:02:48 +0000 W3HKK at wrote:
>George, thats a big drop off in Q's from a very reliable QTH. Bn dabbling in the 10m Contest today...216 Q's so far. Vy strong FR4
>called a guy I was calling, so I called him for a quick Q. He was
>59+10 on ssb. The 3B8 was more like 57. One of the three Alaskans I
>worked was 59+20, the other 55 and 57. Lots of fun but have some new
>power line noise to the west. Heard the gal in Saudi, but too weak to
>call through the Euros.
>Hoping the prop isnt too unstable next month when 3Y0J reaches Bouvet!
>They have a terrific video on QRZ.
> -----------------------------------------From:
>topband-request at
>To: topband at
>Cc: Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 13:54:24 -0500
>From: "GEORGE WALLNER" To: W3HKK at, "'topband at'"
>Subject: Re: Topband: 160 contest; dits and dahs; propagation
>Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format="flowed"
>We normally make 1300 Q-s in this contest. This year, with a lot of
>work, only 994. Propagation had to be very selective. C6AGU was
>20 - 24 dB on the W3LPL RBN, but not heard at W3HKK. At the same
>time, EU
>stations were causing QRM on the RX antenna, which is 10 dB down
>towards EU.
>Strange conditions, indeed.
>On Thu, 08 Dec 2022 17:12:30 +0000 W3HKK at wrote:
>>Interesting comments!
>>I specifically listened at my SR but heard no JA's.
>>Also typically in this contest at certain hours I get a steady
>>of W6, W7 replies - many surprisingly strong. This time it was less
>>than 20. The West was fairly sparse, there were many cracks in the
>>wall, and it seemed most sigs were from the NE, Mid-Atlantic
>>4 Land is usually a big contributor to the log, but again this time
>>much less so. Probably goes to show just how telescopic propagation
>can be on TB, ie
>>spotty. Re: DX: I looked for every DX spot and heard none from EU.
>>Carrib was about it. No CA or SA ( other than XE.) Or Pacific other
>>than KH6. Dits and dahs: My CQ CW Contest submission feedback
>results get hit
>>pretty hard by penalties, and one of the major errors is the other
>>logging me as SKK - so now I try to repeat it an extra time, slowing
>>way down on the H. I thought I might have a sending problem with my
>>7610 memories, but now chalk it up to noise/qsb/haste to move on to
>>the next guy. I do hear and appreciate when the other guy slows down
>>his call. Really helps me get it right by minimizing guesses. Worked
>KH6 around 11:30 pm local time here..a bit of a surprise, and
>>then later saw a spot for KL7 but he was buried in the noise and
>>got him in the log. Usually hear them well around my midnight and
>>sometimes before my SR. Nothing else heard from the Pacific or JA,
>>even though I had worked JA two mornings before.
>> -----------------------------------------
>End of Topband Digest, Vol 240, Issue 10
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