Topband: The Big Stew Perry (W1BB) event is days away

TreeN6TR treen6tr at
Tue Dec 13 10:48:57 EST 2022

Attention TopBand enthusiasts.

The biggest "one night" operating event of the year is coming this

The 27th running of the Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge starts at
1500Z on Saturday and runs for 24 hours.  Stations will exchange grid
squares using CW and get more points the further away the contacts are.

Complete rules can be found at

This event always has a robust number of plaques that can actually be won
if you put your mind to it.  If you wish to sponsor a plaque that isn't
already listed, please contact me ASAP.

Stew Perry TBDC Plaques (

73 Tree N6TR / K7RAT

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