Topband: In defence of Mario LU8DPM
Phil Hartwell
vk6gx at
Thu Feb 3 02:49:46 EST 2022
During our southern hemisphere winter, there is a brief opportunity to
work South America, which being directly over the south pole from VK6,
is our ultimate challenge on 160m. I spent a couple of years trying to
give Manuel, LU5OM, zone 29 on 160m, as did Steve, VK6VZ. I heard Manuel
many times, but we never completed a QSO, due to his high urban noise
level, despite him trying many different RX antennas. During those
attempts I did have QSO's with Juan LU6YF and Mario LU8DPM, even though
signals were extremely weak. Mario is in a very quiet rural location
with excellent TX and directional RX antennas. Maybe people having
trouble working him recently, failed, due to him listening in another
direction, or more likely, he was experiencing very high QRN during the
southern summer. Even with his RX antennas pointing north towards the
USA, the Amazon is a terrific QRN generator and probably masks many
signals. I keep a good eye on lightning tracker programs, for two
reasons, firstly to know when to isolate my antennas with approaching
thunderstorms and secondly to see what the thunderstorm activity is like
in my target areas on 160m. I know QRN can be intense during the
northern summer in the USA, and why many go QRT for the duration, it is
too during our summer, but lightning trackers give me a good indication
of my chances of being heard in areas experiencing severe QRN. So take a
look at a lightning tracker program, one that is effective in the area
of interest, it may explain why someone can't hear you, _not_ because
they are "deaf"! They may also live in an urban area, with a multitude
of man made QRM to combat. Regarding lightning trackers, all are not
equal, for instance Blitzortung/Lightning Maps is excellent in EU and N.
America, also in eastern VK and ZL, and it's near real time, but it's
absolutely useless in VK6, as it detects very few strikes here. I use
Farmonline which uses the
Weatherzone Pro service, for local lightning tracking, it's not real
time, images are at least 10 minutes old, but it's the best available here.
73, Phil VK6GX.
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