Topband: TV coax + F-connectors

Mike Waters mikewate at
Sun Feb 20 13:53:13 EST 2022

I can testify that F connectors with RG-6 will handle the legal limit on at
least 160 and 80 without even getting warm.

This is true here with 2500 watts into a dummy load and CW contesting.

I waterproof mine by partially filling them with silicone dielectric
grease. Been doing that here for many years without a single problem.
Outdoors, I use waterproof F connectors.

If you use RG-6, the rough points on the center conductor should be filed
smooth with a small fine file. Otherwise, the contacts in the male
receptacle can be damaged.

And RG-6 has a power handling curve very similar to RG-213.

73 Mike

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