K4PI.Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Wed Jan 26 13:02:49 EST 2022

Over the years I have wound a lot of transformers for 2 wire beverages 
and have always had a question about the center tapped transformer T2 
using a binocular core.  ON4UN states in his Ed 5 Pg 7-69 ( HALF TURNS), 
that even turns should always be used on this transformer to avoid half 
turns on each side of the the windings.  He say in testing, while odd 
turns can sometimes help the match, there can be loss of up to 2 db due 
to the half turn that results on each winding.  So upon that advice I 
have always used even number of turns.  I still see articles on the web 
showing T2 with odd turns.  Not sure if they don't care about the loss 
or desire the match more or some data I have not seen.  Any comments on 
this? 73 Mike K4PI

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