Topband: ARRL DX 160 Phone - worth a try?

Tree tree at
Thu Mar 3 19:15:29 EST 2022

There is some chance you can scare up a CX - but many of the others will
required a focused operation.

The ARRL DX contest isn't that big of an event for most of the DX out

Maybe asking K3LR or W3LPL to see what they typically work on 160 might
help in this contest might help.


On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 3:52 PM Pete Smith N4ZR <pete.n4zr at> wrote:

> I'm sitting at about 95 confirmed or pending at LOTW for my 160 DXCC,
> and was toying with the idea of spending some time in the ARRL Phone DX
> Contest this weekend on single-band 160.  Looking down my LOTW listing,
> plus the few cards I have in hand and the list of ones I don't have, I'm
> wondering what the likelihood is that some of the relatively easy ones
> will be on.  Here's my list of those:
> CX, FJ, GI, GJ, HC, HP, J8, KL7, LU, OA, PJ5, PJ7, PY, ZP, YU, TG
> Am I kidding myself?  I seem to be fairly loud on 160 CW, and while I
> don't hear that well, I'm willing to give it a try.  Is there someplace
> online where I can check for recent activity by country?
> --
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> Check out the new Reverse Beacon Network
> web server at<>.
> For spots, please use your favorite
> "retail" DX cluster.
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