Topband: Conditions This Morning...

Jim Brown jim at
Wed Nov 2 14:32:47 EDT 2022

On 11/2/2022 6:26 AM, ws6x.ars at wrote:
> .were pretty remarkable! At local SR the VK6s were armchair copy! Interestingly though, not a peep out of the JA big guns on this end. The intrigue of TB goes on.

Greyline is a large part of it, bu not the whole story. 160 can be very 
"spotlighty." From my QTH near San Francisco, the paths to different 
parts of VK and JA open at different times, and five miles from the 
coast near the top of the first ridge, I have a great shot to both. VK 
is a very large continent, and JA is long string of islands.

73, Jim K9YC

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