Topband: RDC TL8AA

Jim Brown jim at
Wed Nov 16 14:35:40 EST 2022

Hello Alfredo,

The MOST IMPORTANT things to know about propagation on 160M are:

1) Propagation on 160M has a strong peak for 30-45 minutes on the 
DAYLIGHT side of sunrise and sunset. The peak lasts about one hour on 
80M and 2 hours on 40M. I suspect that it is also present on 30M.

2) Propagation on 160M  often acts very much like the sun peeking 
through clouds drifting overhead.

3) Experienced DXpeditioners have learned that very strong propagation 
on 160M usually happens on only one or two nights of a 2-week 
expedition, so it is critical to be on the air through the hours of 
darkness and for that 30-45 minutes of daylight on both sides. AA7JV 
thought this was so important that he developed a transmitting diplexer 
and RX antenna filters so that his trips could be simultaneously active 
on both CW and FT8 during these hours every day.

73, Jim K9YC

On 11/16/2022 4:59 AM, alfeohjt at wrote:
> Hi Guys, the propagation is very good on the high bands therefore the 
> low bands are almost dead.
> We made some test last night on 160m FT8 and just few qso with very weak 
> signal.
> We would like to make some test on 75 - 160m CW as per the following 
> schedule (GMT time, depending on conditions)
> - Our sunset today at 04:30 - 05:30 PM (at our latitude the switch time 
> light to dark and vice versa is very short)
> - Tonight at 09:00,   10:00,  11:00 PM
> - Tomorrow morning  at our sunrise 04:00 - 04:45 AM
> We might test FT8 as well.
> Based on the result we will plan actions for the next days.
> Hoping to have you all in log.
> Alfeo I1HJT
> I.D.T. member TL8AA - TL8ZZ crew
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